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The perfect pillow placement guide


Follow our quick guide if you want the perfect pillow placement. 


There are many simple tricks that you can use when decorating your home. Pillow placement makes an impact to your overall design. Knowing how to choose and arrange pillows is an art in itself.

The 2:2:1 method

This is a straightforward design concept that delivers great results to any room of your home. In a row of five pillows, get two of them, with the same colour pattern and size, at each end. Then, the following set needs to have a different colour scheme and a different size. Finally, the middle pillow needs to be of a different colour and size than the other four. Keep in mind colour patterns, as well as your overall room’s design. 

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You can apply this technique not only in your living room, but in other rooms as well. The 2:2:1 can also be applied to furniture in small gardens or pergolas. 

V pillows 

V Pillows refer to pillows that have been “karate-chopped” down the middle, which produces a V shape. This design is very popular with interior designers and decorators and gives your home a sophisticated look. 

Couch pillows

Odd numbers are the key

Besides following the 2:2:1 pillow alignment, you can also place pillows in odd numbers. Place a row of differently coloured pillows from biggest to smallest, or simply throw them in a random way. Keep in mind that even chaotic pillow placement follows certain rules.

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Bed pillows

Pattern and tone

Colours and patterns affect the overall design of your room as much as pillow placement. Choose colour patterns and tones wisely when designing a room; make them match among themselves and with the whole design. 

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